Monday, February 10, 2014


I haven't been updating because I'm consumed by guilt. I did not stick to the Whole30. Once again, it shows that cheats are not helpful. I'm addicted to sugar. I need to quit cold turkey.

Having said that, I ate all but 4 cookies from a box of Thin Mints today. That's, like, 40 cookies.

The worse I feel, the more junk I eat, and the worse I feel. I feel absolutely gross. And sad. And disappointed.

I need to pick a new start date. I need this detox.


  1. Try to be less hard on yourself dear person. No one is perfect nor are they expected to be. Eat the last four cookies and start again tomorrow. It's that simple. Ditch the guilt - it's worse for you than a box of cookies.

  2. Thank you for blogging your ups and downs with Whole30. I've been trying to incorporate more of it into my diet (a lot more veggies and home cooking, a lot less processed food), and I'm looking to start the real deal soon. Like you said in your post-MLK Day post, it's best to be prepared before starting this.

    I just wanted to let you know that your efforts here are appreciated, and not just by the people you know. Take care. <3

  3. Thanks for reading and commenting! The Whole30 is amazing, and I do plan to do it again. Best wishes for your 30!
