Tuesday, February 4, 2014



Just kidding. I've totally blown the Whole30, but I'm a believer. I want to tell you what I'm eating and how I'm feeling (warts and all), to prove to myself that even with the occasional indulgence, I can be a healthier person, with healthy routines. So...

  • Breakfast: Two over-medium fried eggs atop 1 cup spinach and raw baby carrots. Coffee, black.
  • Lunch: ...........................SPINACH SALAD! with chicken apple sausage and Granny Smith apple chunks.
  • Dinner: TBD will edit tonight
  • Snacks: Almonds. 1/2 of that Drifters bar I wrote about the other day. 1 oz of champagne.


Windy last night and this morning. I blame the beer.

Still bloated.

The Drifters bar tasted, um, not as delicious as I remembered. I'm sad. Edit: and nauseated about 10 minutes after eating. Argh.

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