Monday, February 3, 2014


  • Breakfast: 2 over-medium fried eggs over pot roast veggies, sprinkled with pistachios. THIS SOUNDS DISGUSTING (and didn't look much better), but it was delicious. I devoured it. Coffee with coconut milk.
  • Lunch: Spinach salaaaaaaaaaaaad with pot roast meat and veggies. A medium Macintosh apple.
  • Dinner: TBD I'll edit this tonight. Leftover pot roast and veggies. (Surprised?)
  • Snacks: FAIL: almonds. 1 hazelnut Lindt truffle. 1 beer. A handful of pretzels and onion dip.


Head aches.

A student brought me a favorite sweet (Nestle Drifters - a British candy bar). It's tacked to my bulletin board. When can I eat it?

I'm feeling pretty low about my poor choices last night, but I'll give myself a break. I'm going to not so much "start again" tomorrow, but I'm going to celebrate my good choices from today and make more good choices tomorrow.

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