Monday, February 3, 2014

Whole30 Two: Day 11

  • Breakfast: Repeat of yesterday's breakfast
  • Lunch: Spinach salad (surprised?) with chicken apple sausage and carrots. A giant Macintosh apple.
  • Dinner: Huge sweet potato with ghee and S&P. I forget the rest. 2 fried eggs? I remember enjoying it. Tim had french toast. Lo... God, did I even feed her? Of course I did, but I don't remember what it was.


I feel rested. And kind of happy. 

I've been writing in my notebook. Journally things. Lists. Craft ideas.

My skin's clearing up. The bump is no bigger than a pinhead now.

There's a free app called "The Gratitude Habit," and it's a nice little intro to a simple practice of gratitude. For a few nights in a row, now, I've been taking a moment to inventory at least three "What went well" things from my day. It's been really nice. What a good way to close the day. I love how Whole30 has a little bit of static electricity to it. Other commitments cling to it and before you know it, you're really on track to a more wholly wholesome life. That's not to say that I don't have a diary full of "5 good things" lists already, but making it a daily intention, with emphasis on making the "what went well" come alive in your imagination to really imprint it upon your mind has added something nice.

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