Friday, January 31, 2014

Whole30 Two: Day 10

  • Breakfast: 2 chopped HB eggs, salsa, carrots. Coffee with unsweetened coconut milk.
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with 2 chopped HB eggs, pistachios. Sweet potato chips. 1/2 large Macintosh apple.
  • Dinner: Sliced chicken apple sausage lightly sauteed in coconut oil. Sweet potato rounds, roasted w/s&p. Frozen blueberries in coconut milk (meh).


Whoa! I feel GREAT! Overall, I'm satisfied with my meals. My taste buds are really waking up. My head is clear. I've probably lost 5 lbs. 

The bump on my neck is nearly gone.

My skin is not clear. I have blemishes under my nose from the constant use of tissues with lotion on them.

I've been shopping around on Pinterest for some new recipes. I'm excited to make Apple Bumpkin Bake this weekend (, among other things found on other Whole30 blogs.

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