Thursday, January 23, 2014

Whole30 Two: Day 2

  • Breakfast: Two egg omelet, with leftover steamed broccoli and cauliflower, a thumb's-worth of pistachio meats. 2 cups of coffee, black.
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with leftover chicken cutlet, carrots, leftover broccoli and cauliflower, and compliant balsamic vinegar. 1/2 cherry pie Lara bar. 
  • Snack: Lightly salted roasted almonds. They were not 100% compliant because roasted in vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: One chicken apple sausage (not 100% compliant because contained fruit juice as a sweetener), green beans, handful of pistachios, banana. I made tuna melts with cucumber slices for the family.


It was quite difficult to decide to do this second round of Whole30, but now that I'm doing it, it feels easy(-ish). I'm allowing myself little cheats, so long as I mostly comply.

I see Lola intently watching me eat, so I make a big deal about how delicious my food is. Even though she says, "I don't like eggs. I don't like broccoli," I am pleased that she is observing me. That is one of my biggest motivators when doing this Whole30 business.
My stomach is feeling better overall, but I had a sour stomach after dinner last night.
Still lots of yawns/caught breaths. Probably related to residual sinus congestion.

Cravings for sweets really kicked in in the afternoon and evening. I've really been over-indulging in sweets for a couple of months, so this makes sense. I had a banana and that nipped the craving in the bud last night.

I went to bed around 10 and had a bit of trouble falling asleep. I've been thinking back to my first few months of motherhood, which were extremely difficult for me, so a few of my lowest moments kept hounding me. Regrets. I have a few.

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