Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day (-74): Check-In

A lovely MN friend and her husband have started their own Whole30, and it's inspired me to reflect.

Lasting Benefits
  • I'm still taking my coffee black, and I actually PREFER it!
  • I'm still splurging on cage free eggs and chicken and wild caught fish, and I avoid buying pork products almost completely.
  • I rarely buy out-of-season produce, which has me feeling a bit limited of late, I admit.
  • I am no longer under the delusion that "all natural", "low fat," or "no added sugar" mean anything or that there's moral behavior among manufacturers of children's food. 
  • I check labels.
  • I don't buy tuna with soy added or pasta sauce with sugar. My go-to sauce brands are Rao's and Victoria's (whichever's on sale).
  • I buy Lo whole fat dairy products without worrying that I should be switching to low fat versions. 
  • Eating breakfast. 
  • Avoiding processed foods.
  • Abstaining from alcohol, sweets, and snacking.
  • Bringing healthy lunch from home daily. 
  • Using and valuing leftovers.
I've mentioned to friends that I'm tossing around the idea of doing another Whole30, and they've suggested maybe doing a modified version, but I really trust the science behind the Whole30 (see the book *It Starts With Food* by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig). Ultimately, as my friend Stacy and I have discussed, I hope this leads to a paleo diet with the occasional cheat.

Oy. I do not want to talk myself out of doing something, even if it's just cutting out sugar and alcohol again or cutting way way back on grains and cheeses. I'm close to making a move. Stay tuned (if you wanna).

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