Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Whole30 Two: Day 8

Day 8? Where has the time gone?
  • Breakfast: 1 egg omelet with Applegate Roast Beef and green peppers. Coffee, black.
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with taco meat, salsa, green peppers, carrots. 1/2 pear. Coffee, black.
  • Snack: Terra chips, black cherry seltzer
  • Dinner: Baked ranch chicken breast (made with homemade dry ranch dressing mix) with roasted sweet potatoes. Cashews.


I'm feeling better now than I was this weekend. Maybe making a few more real meals will help.

Stomach pain in morning. I don't want to cut out nightshades, but I may avoid peppers for the rest of the Whole30.

You know how some people compulsively read signs aloud on road trips? Well, I'm compulsively mouthing the names of all the yummy things I see as I move through the world right now. Last night, I passed by a number of stores and restaurants on my way to the subway station and found myself whispering "muffins" and "blow pops" into my scarf.

Speaking of my walk, my workplace's security office sent out a message about someone getting robbed at gunpoint along my route to the subway. So that's cool.

New bump on the nape of my neck. Not a zit, so far as I can tell.

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