Monday, January 27, 2014

Whole30 Two: Days 5 & 6

  • Breakfast Day 5:  2 eggs fried in ghee, raw carrots, coconut flakes, coffee.
  • Lunch Day 5: Chef Aidells Apple Smoked Chicken Sausage, carrots, spinach, 1/2 pear.
  • Dinner Day 5: 2 slices of Applegate Organics - Organic Roast Beef, California Blend steamed (frozen) veggies, Monkey Salad w/o coconut milk
  • Snack Day 5: Almonds

  • Breakfast Day 6: 2 eggs fried in ghee, medium sweet potato, coffee
  • Lunch Day 6: Avocado Egg Salad, carrots
  • Dinner Day 6: 2 HB eggs and California Blend Veggies
  • Snack Day 6: Cherry Pie Lara Bar


I'm not sure if "Kill All The Things" was Whole30-related or just because my whole family was down with another cold.

I've started tracking my food for a health insurance reward program, and it seems my fat intake is too high, my calorie intake is too low, and everything else is too low. Not enough calcium, not enough Vitamins, not enough iron. This is upsetting to me. I don't know how to do this or if the numbers should matter.
I have to make the food more exciting. So far, I've been winging it, and it's going to get boring.


  1. My exciting discovery of the weekend - Plantains! I've always loved them at restaurants but never made anything with them myself. All I did was slice the plantain, sauteed it in some ghee and sprinkled cinnamon and a little bit of salt on top. YUM!
