Friday, January 24, 2014

Whole30 Two: Day 3

  • Breakfast: 2 HB eggs, 1/2 canned beets, cashews, S&P, all diced up together. Good, but could have used a little ghee and a warm up. Coffee, black.
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with tuna salad, one egg, carrots. Pear.
  • Dinner: Leftover chicken cutlet smothered in Victoria marinara. Raw baby carrots. Cashews. The family had chicken noodle soup with saltines. I saw they broke into my expensive raw cashew stash before I got home. Mixed feelings.

My stomach feels the same today. A little sour. 

Lo ate a beet off my plate this morning. She refused more, but I was pleased.

I felt very tired mid-morning.

Cravings. Stacy told me that there are Oreo cookies in her house, and they're all I can think about. Day 31... Oreo party. Mmmm.

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