Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 1: So what’s the big deal?

The Whole30 website has cute list of how you'll feel at different points of the month. Day 1 is "So what's the big deal?"

It wasn't a big deal, really, but it was weird. I wasn't excited about my meals, except for dinner.
  • I had a hard time with breakfast, because I generally have a doctored coffee and a Nutragrain bar in the car. Boiled eggs are dry, so wolfing them down was not a pleasant experience. The avocado was ripe, but rather dull. The strawberries, though, saved the morning. Delish! God bless summer strawberries. TMI: I was pretty nauseated for a minute or so after breakfast, but then I felt okay.
  • Lunch was okay. I ate at my desk, because I had to leave early to sign the closing papers for our refi!! Romaine sure makes a good strong wrap. I didn't bring the spinach or cukes, so I had tuna and grated carrots wrapped in romaine. Sweet Stacy brought me some fresh fruit and an unsweetened iced tea. So nice!
  • I had two snacks of unsweetened coconut flakes and roasted almonds. All the while, I had a bag of fruit chews, highly processed & sweetened dried fruit and nuts, a can of ginger ale, and a shortbread cookie sitting in my office with me, c/o my boss who surprised me with a leftover guest bag from her daughter's recent wedding. I maintained self control.
  • Dinner was slow-cooker beef roast with sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, and celery. I used Whole Foods' 365 brand beef broth. With just some garlic, S&P, and onion powder, the meal was very flavorful! Tim liked it, too. I rounded out my dinner with a handful of spinach with almond slices. Washed it all down with blueberry-flavored seltzer water, which satisfied my craving for a sweet dessert.

I need to build more time into my morning routine for breakfast and less time for snoozing. 
I don't eat a lot of veggies. I have to make a point to work them in. 
I only had a couple of cravings for junk which went away pretty quickly.
My yawning problem went away on Sunday, but I still can't hear well.
I'm pretty tired without my coffee, but I do enjoy unsweetened black tea way more than unsweetened coffee.

Tomorrow... "The Hangover"

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