Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 5: Kill all the things?

I don't feel particularly Dexter-esque today. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see.
  • Breakfast packaged to eat en route: one scrambled egg with one diced sausage patty, stuffed into 1/2 of a green pepper, and a cup of tea. 'Twas good, although I lost some precious protein when it fell out of the pepper and into the no-man's-land under the driver's seat. Note to self: clean the car tomorrow.
  • Lunch was pretty much a repeat of yesterday, but instead of the prosciutto and carrots, I added another egg and lots of chopped snow peas. It was MARVELOUS. I had a nice ripe banana and a handful of raw cashews, too.
  • For dinner, we had pot roast again. I think this is the first time we've EVER eaten a pot roast all up. Usually we get bored and throw it out. Tim and I enjoyed it every time we ate it. Lola even ate it tonight! I baked up some more sweet potatoes to supplement the meat (plus a little extra for tomorrow).
Work was very busy. I felt productive. It's going to be crazy for the next week or so. As long as I take time to pack a lunch, I'm confident I'll succeed in sticking to the challenge. The true test will be the annual welcome-back party on Tuesday. It's going to be at a bar with tons of bar food, and it's a social occasion. 'Nuf said.
Ears still plugged.
I've been walking every weekday, too, from the Fenway MBTA stop to work in the morning and back again in the afternoon. It's about 15-20 minutes one way. That's the extent of my exercise, but I feel good about it. It's a nice opportunity to take in the fresh air, embrace a little healthy solitude, and see Boston. My walk takes me past a bustling park/track/football field, along part of the Emerald Necklace, and past the MFA's giant baby head.



  1. I love that you posted links to pictures of things you see on your walk!! It makes me feel like we're not SO far apart :)
