Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 6: I Just Want a Nap

How is this theme unlike the theme of every other day in my life, since I became a mother? It's not. Like always, I yearned for a nap as soon as I rolled out of bed.

  • After getting Lo a bowl of Multigrain Cheerios and some yogurt, I diced up a green pepper, scrambled a couple of eggs in ghee, heated up some sweet potatoes, and sat down for breakfast. Yum. Green peppers are so sweet and lovely. I had a cup of coffee with coconut milk, and I actually enjoyed it! I'm not sure what was different, if anything. I guess I'm getting comfortable with unsweetened drinks. Tim commented that my breakfast smelled good, so I made him some scrambled eggs with peppers, too. Lo declined a bite from my plate. She was too busy putting yogurt on her belly.
  • I had a late lunch, around 4:30. Two sausage patties and broccoli. 
  • Around 9, I had a handful of cashews and coconut flakes. I skipped dinner.
  • Around 10:30, I broke down and had a Lara bar. Then, I installed a pair of window blinds.

I think I made it through the Kill ALL the Things phase without actually feeling that way. I'd feel really great about it, if I hadn't been motivated to start this challenge because Kill ALL the Things is the way I feel quite often.

I got lightheaded around 9, but not hungry. Tim asked me to go get him a burger and fries from Wendy's, and I was only slightly jealous of his fries. I regretted skipping dinner around 10:30, but it was too late to eat.

I got some ground pork from the farmer's market today, and I feel good about purchasing local and ethical (the pigs are happy pigs).  I also bought beets, corn (for the fam), apples, shallots, bagels and donuts (again for the fam), and a mango lassi for Lo.

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