Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 14: Get It or Quit it

End-of-day has me feeling much differently than the beginning. I was so tired all day. I took a nap with Lola and could barely get out of bed when she woke up. I did a little Whole30 forum search and realized that my fatigue was likely caused by eating too few calories and drinking too little water. I also need to take the fats more seriously. I was thinking it was treated like a bit of an indulgence, like the fruit, but now I see that I'm not getting enough from the meats and cooking oils.

So, I'm not quitting it. I'm finally getting it. That sort of rhymes, right?

I also did not want to face the housework, but after 15 minutes of unloading and loading the dishwasher and a turn around the grocery store, I felt much less dreadful. I didn't do much more, but I felt better.

  • Breakfast was a two-egg omelet with mushrooms and spinach.
  • Lunch was a pork sausage patty, 1/4 avocado (blech), and I don't remember.
  • Dinner was beef taco salad with orange bell peppers, salsa, and reduced-salt black olives. 


Drink more water. Eat more fats. Do a load of darks.

Leftovers are my friend.

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