Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 15: Recommitment

I'm feeling much more motivated to finish this thing and to do it right. This evening, after Lo goes to bed, I'll  focus on finding recipes for the rest of the week.

  • Breakfast was two eggs fried in ghee, wrapped around spinach, and eaten in the car like a burrito, plus about a cup of raw carrots, and a handful of almonds. I had coffee with coconut milk. I *liked* it. Honest to heaven.

  • Lunch was leftover taco salad with black olives and about a cup of cantaloupe. I don't even miss the cheese, sour cream, and chips! The meat I made up with an Allrecipes taco seasoning is flavorful enough (next time, I'll reduce the salt).

  • Dinner was a delicious recipe I found online at  http://menumusings.blogspot.com/2013/04/tomato-basil-chicken.html. I used coconut oil for frying, ghee for the sauce, and put a lot of Italian Seasoning in addition to the s&p on the chicken breasts. Tim had seconds! Lola liked it! I loved it, but I think I shortchanged myself on the vegetables. I should have also had a salad.


I'm glad to be back at work.

I'm losing weight fast. My belly, once a proud pot, is now rather slack. I'm not sure what I like better: the belly that required eating better to get smaller or the belly that's going to require exercise to disappear. Exercise.... shudder.

I baked Tim chocolate cookies last night, unprompted. Why? Can I blame this on Catholicism?

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