Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 12: Boundless Energy?

No boundless energy here, but I do feel okay. Alert, although not especially "sharp." I've fallen off the Whole30 path a little. My meat:vegetable:fruit ratios have been a little off, I snacked mid-morning, and I haven't been going to bed as early as I should.

(Well... I am going to bed earlier, but I'm not sleeping right away. Get your mind out of the gutter. I'm playing solitaire on my iPad. YOLO.)
  • Breakfast was two eggs scrambled with steamed broccoli and a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee (black). I under-seasoned the eggs and broccoli, so they were dull, but I kinda enjoyed the coffee. 
  • I ate the rest of the bag of sweet potato chips mid-morning. Whole hog. Seriously, I can't buy those anymore.
  • Lunch was another spinach salad, a locally grown Macintosh, and a handful of cashews. I put some leftover chicken thigh meat in my salad, and I tell you what: I just cannot eat that meat. I did eat the boiled egg, carrots, and cucumber and some of the spinach, but it was not as marvelous as it could have been.
  • Dinner was a scrambled egg, a homemade pork sausage patty, and raw carrots.

I feel like I'm backsliding a little. I really need to get a meal plan together to regain my confidence. 

I think I'll cut out the iPad-before-bed business.

It felt nice to go through my DD drive-thru again. I had established a Friday/payday routine where I got a "medium hot French vanilla with cream, two sugars, and two cubes of ice and a blueberry muffin" for myself and then treated the person behind me to their order. I miss that.

It was not a good night at home. I almost quit the diet because I wanted a drink so badly. Instead I drove to the grocery store parking lot to read Maddaddam. I went home and fell asleep around midnight. I dreamed I was not able to find compliant food that I wanted to eat. In my dream, I cried about it.


  1. I love that treating the person behind you was part of your payday ritual. Such a great idea!

  2. I really love doing it, and it's within my means. I'm thinking of mixing things up by alternating between treating a fellow driver and giving a $5 tip to the worker. That would mean I'd have to carry cash, though...
