Friday, September 27, 2013

Gluten Trial Day 2

Woke up very hungry, and something is irritating my right tear duct. It feels plugged.

  • Breakfast: Two eggs fried in ghee, sauteed spinach, some canteloupe, coffee with coconut milk
  • Snack: Almonds
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with two HB eggs, broccoli, black olives, and balsamic vinegar, three sourdough pretzel bites
    • Tired in afternoon
    • Some eye strain, but I think it's unrelated.
  • Snack: Two M&Ms and a few pistachios
  • Dinner: Steak and steamed broccoli. OH MY GOD. SO DELICIOUS.

Fairly good mood.

I enjoyed the M&Ms more than I ever have. Did they always taste so awesome? Strange/good bit: I was satisfied after 2. (It helps that they're Lola's poo-poo reward, so we have to make sure she that doesn't see us pilfer any and that they're always in stock. Someday, someday, she'll earn one.)

Zit (Wanda?).

Itchy scalp.

I'm trying not to read about symptoms of gluten sensitivity, but I know a little. I'm worried about psychosomatic problems. I'll just post my experience here, and perhaps do another trial in a week to see if anything is consistent. For now, the verdict is still out. Too many variables.

Lola is starting to refer to food she sees as "mom's" or "dad's." Spinach: "mom's." Pretzels: "dad's."

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