Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 16: Boundless Taste Buds

Well, I might not have boundless energy or tiger blood, but I have eaten some delicious, healthy things today.

  • Breakfast: Sausage, pepper, mushroom scramble. Coffee with coconut milk. Cashews.
  • Lunch: Leftover taco salad w/spinach, green pepper, black olives. Cantaloupe and raspberries.
  • Afternoon coffee, black.
  • Dinner: Fish cakes made with the other night's bland leftovers. I combined the cod fish with 1/2 of a small, baked acorn squash, about 1 tablespoon of coconut flour, and one egg. Fried in coconut oil. Served with sauteed spinach. Mayo for dipping. Finished up with three, tiny, locally-grown McIntosh apples, cored, peeled, cubed, sprinkled liberally with cinnamon and less liberally with nutmeg and salt, and baked with a few tablespoons of ghee in a 400 F oven for 15 minutes, tossing once. Served with coconut milk.


My taste buds are very happy. I wish the others in my family would try these new things. But then I wouldn't have leftovers for tomorrow...

I'm feeling pretty upbeat.  Work is busy, too, so that helps.

When I'm drinking my coffee black, I feel sort of bad ass. At the same time, I feel sort of like I'm at a church meeting. So it's confusing. But I may be able to make this a lifelong habit. We'll see.

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