Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 17

I can't quite say that I have boundless energy, but I'm feeling cheerful and a bit sharper. Tim cleaned the kitchen before I got home and LORD did that make a difference. My 7 p.m. reentry was downright pleasant. After getting loads of welcome home cuddles from Lo, I made progress on my housework.

  • Breakfast: 3 fish cakes, 1/2 cup raw carrots, coffee with coconut milk.
  • Lunch: Egg and avocado salad over spinach. Green peppers. Cantaloupe. Sooo filling! I'm actually a little over-full.
  • Dinner: Grilled steak tips and roasted cauliflower & broccoli, plus a handful of cashews. Oy! Full again!


I'm getting to a point where meals are tasting so much better than before. I am really enjoying my vegetables and proteins and fats. And coffee!

The weather today was in the upper 90s and muggy. I didn't mind, though. I love being warm! Like Stacy said, walking out of the too-cold AC and into that heat was like being wrapped in a cozy blanket.

Lo's finally healthy after colds and the broken arm. She's talking a lot more and being very affectionate. She doesn't mind well, and won't use the toilet at home, but at least she's balancing it out by being so sweet. When she's bathing, she puts a cast on me by draping wash clothes over my arm. I think she could have a future in medicine...

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