Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 11: The Hardest Days, Day 2

I was in full Old Mother Hubbard mode today (middle-class American-style, so really I had plenty of stuff in my cupboards). Oh, woe is me! I've nothing to eat!

Truth be told, I'm well-stocked with vegetables and protein. It's just not in easily accessible forms. I need to address this. Preparation is the key to success!
  • Breakfast To-Go: 2 eggs fried in ghee, wrapped up in romaine lettuce. Strawberries. Tea.
  • Lunch: I bought 2 boiled eggs and some not-completely-compliant sweet potato chips. They were made with seed oil. (Forgive me. I just needed something that crunched.) The chips were definitely "food with no breaks" for me. Compliant-ish or not, they're not a good idea for me.
  • Dinner tonight was prosciutto-wrapped chicken (with Whole30 modifications) and steamed broccoli tossed in evoo and s&p. I used chicken thighs that I had intended to use in a chicken masala recipe. I had never purchased chicken thighs before, and I'm not sure I will again. Tim and I agreed that it would have been much better with chicken breast. Next time.


Why not eat that pretzel? Why not? Why the f*ck not?! Excuse the expletive.

Mild headaches, today. One in the morning on the train, before I had my tea. And another around 4:30/5, after I had had two cups of Lady Grey. Caffeine related or coincidence?

Urges to snack are less frequent and less persistent, but not less intense. I stared down a snickers bar pretty hard today. Melissa: It. Is. Not. Food. It will make you feel BAD. And it will cost you money ( a highly successful argument for me).

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