Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 9: For the love of Gosling, my pants are TIGHTER, II

Yep. My pants *are* tighter. It's okay. I'm just rollin' with it.

  • Breakfast: My last turkey sausage and roasted beets. Tea. What? Beets for breakfast?! Yep.
  • Lunch: Spinach salad awesomeness. We had a new student gathering today, and we ordered in all sorts of sandwiches and wraps. There were chips and cookies and sodas. Wow. I couldn't have ANY of it. Later, there was another reception at a bar. I brought in a chai tea (just chai) and nursed it in the corner while everyone else got drunk. It's probably a good thing. Last year, a few sips of rum & Coke got me a little too loose and chatty. (Not that kind of loose. You know what I mean, right?)
  • Dinner: I got home late, and Tim and Lo had had a frozen cheese pizza. They left all the crusts on their plates. Normally, I would eat up all their crusts (and half a pizza, yep, gross), but I just... gulp... threw it all out. I fixed myself some tuna with mayo and a Mrs. Dash of lemon pepper (I love that lady) and warmed up some leftover spaghetti squash with a good dollop of ghee. I enjoy the squash more without pasta sauce. It is not pasta. Then I had a bite of a Cashew Cookie Lara bar. It was not awesome, so a bite was all I needed.

I'm NOT feeling sharp yet. I was totally dazed and confused today. I'm in it for the sharpness. It better happen.
I find that now that I'm not snacking, missed or late meals are a bad idea. Having a late dinner was difficult tonight. I had to give Lo a bath before I ate, and I was all stumbly on the stairs. I should have put Lo to bed right away after, but I let her play so I could eat. She came up to me and asked what I was eating. She never wants to try it, but I know she's seeing it. I do not love spaghetti squash as much as I love other squashes, but I made sure it looked like I loved it.
I'm peeing beet.


  1. Ooh beet pee is the weirdest! Every first time again, it scares the mess out of me.

  2. Same here. All day I've been "WTF" and then a couple seconds later "OH THE BEETS."
