Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 29

  • Breakfast: 2 HB eggs, 1/2 sweet potato, handful of cashews, coffee with about 1/8-1/4 cup of coconut milk
  • Lunch: Stuffed pepper, banana, cashews
  • Dinner: Seasoned cubed pork (pastured pigs), cauliflower and turnip mash

Major Win! Lola loved the meat from the stuffed peppers, so she got a nice helping of protein and veggies. She tried the pepper itself, in a distracted moment, and although she said "no like it," she no spit it out.

Some stomach discomfort in the afternoon. May just be that time of the month.

Feeling very motivated, although not very focused.

I'm beginning to think that "focus" is not a realistic expectation for me. Perhaps I'm just always going to be distracted.

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