Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 13: Boundless Lethergy

I'm tired, but before we blame the diet, let me just say that how I feel today is not unfamiliar outside of the diet. 
I look around the house, once again covered in the fine dust of a wall torn down. 
I look at the dirty, dusty, sticky countertops. 
I look at the ever-regenerating mounds of clothing in the hampers. 
I look at the streak of crap that squeezed its way out of my daughter's diaper and onto my hands and arms,
and of course her clothes and back.

I smell the rotting strawberry and chickenmisc discards in my trash. 
It makes me so tired. It makes me want to run away.

  • Breakfast was reheated eggs and a sausage patty and leftover steamed broccoli. Tea.
  • Lunch as late again. I don't remember what it was because most of my mind was occupied with feeding my daughter, who like me, doesn't want to eat anything around. Whatever I ate was compliant.


Le sigh. I am realizing that no matter what I eat, the house will not clean itself.

I hate food. I hate meals. I hate dishes. I wish I could just swallow a Jetson pill and be done with it.
Yes, I realize how selfish and awful this is in the global context.

I think I'll stop referring to the timeline. I'm definitely going through the hardest days now.


  1. Oh, Melissa. I'm so proud of you for trying this, and documenting it with humor and honesty..... . I'm thinking of you. Good luck --- .

  2. I was also bummed when I discovered that my healthy meals weren't cleaning my house either. My current maid is so unreliable. She mostly gets sidetracked with things and ends up making stuff and messes that go along with being creative. Darn maid. AND she never dusts! What kind of maid doesn't dust? Really. I wish I could fire her. But I suppose, I'd never find someone willing to fill in for her.
    Hang in there! As I said, I found this whole30 exercise helpful for me in just being able to feel a little sliver of control over something - which did slowly (not entirely) work it's way into other areas of my life. I'm a work in progress.
