Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 10: The Hardest Days, Day 1

The timeline describes how I'm feeling pretty well.
  • Breakfast in the car: 2 boiled eggs, 1-1/2 roasted beets, banana, tea.
  • Spinach salad magnificado (with tuna). I'm going to have to switch things up before I start hating spinach, but for now, it's my favorite go-to lunch.
  • Tim made steak tips tonight. He did  his the usual way, with a marinade concocted of 15 different things, and he seasoned mine with s&p and garlic powder. I'm sure his were delicious, but mine were, too. I had sweet potatoes and a Cherry Pie Lara bar. 

My motivation is changing. Originally, I was in it to feel sharper and healthier. Now I'm in it to show some gd self-discipline. Then, I'm going to say to my husband, "Honey, I gave up sugar - SUGAR - for a month. Surely you could give up smoking for a month." No... I won't say that, but I do hope he'll draw that inspiration from my challenge.

I went to Trader Joe's this weekend and was surprised to see all of the junk that people were buying. Whole30 is changing the way I think about what real food looks like. Just because it's organic doesn't mean it's real food.



  1. I hear you on the gd self-discipline. I have a bad habit of feeling like I deserve a treat for any good behavior. I'm so impressed that you've made it to day 10 and that you're still going strong. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks, Marie! I'm hanging by a thread sometimes, but I'm still going! I'm happy to hear you're going to try a 30 day booze fast!
