Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 4: Kill ALL the Things

Today was like another day of Hangover.

I felt a little dazy, a little woozy, a little yucky. I woke up early to get Lo to a doctor's appointment by 8 AM. My mind felt good. My body felt tired. The yuckiness came and went, like morning sickness. (NO, I'm not.) Stacy described it as feeling your body reconfigure itself.
  • Breakfast was good. I made sausage patties with ground turkey last night (and just a dash of cayenne). They were really flavorful, but hard as pucks. Lola LOVED 'em! I had two in the morning, with 1/4 avocado and about about a cup of boiled sweet potatoes and carrots. I enjoyed it, although I might use salsa next time I have the sausage. They were a bit dry after a few bites. I had a mug of tea on the way to the doctor's office and again on the way to work. I was happy to go back to tea. The coffee/coconut milk combo did not work for me.
As an aside, on my way to work I listened to an NPR interview with Cris Beam, the author of a new book called "The End of June." It's about the foster care system. I definitely want to read it, and thought my family might have some thoughts, too.
  • Lunch was deeeeelish! I had a spinach salad with compliant prosciutto (from Trader Joes, just pork and salt), carrots, diced snow peas, hard-boiled egg, and a dash of balsamic vinegar. Finished up with half a banana and a few strawberries. I felt full. I felt happy. I felt generally good. My body, though, was still tired. It could use a nap.
  • Dinner was ... interesting. I made Tim and Lola rigatoni and baked up a spaghetti squash for myself, then I threw on some compliant pasta (Rao) sauce from Whole Foods. It was not pasta. It was spaghetti sauce on squash. It took me a while to get over it and just enjoy the new thing I was eating: squasta. To get my protein, I added in a turkey sausage patty. For "dessert," I had a Apple Pie Lara bar. Yum.
I was a little irritable, but within reason. 

Groceries did cost a bit more this week, because I had to get some weird essentials (like coconut oil and coconut milk and coconut flakes... yeah), but I find that I'm saving money because I simply CAN'T buy lunch at work. There's very little I can eat here. I have bought a fresh fruit cup and some flavored seltzer, but otherwise, I'm not spending. Holla!
My ears are still plugged.
I've always wanted to try spaghetti squash! It's really a cool veggie. 

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