Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 2: The Hangover

"And it is definitely true that the amount of suck you experience in this phase is directly proportional to the amount of crap you consumed before you began the program." - Days 2-3, Whole30 Timeline

I'm not feeling hungover, really. Just tired. Missing my coffee.
  • Breakfast was the same stuff, but better. I ate the avocado with the egg, had bites of a juicy, sweet apple when my mouth felt dry or bored.
  • A co-worker came by to get a mint from my candy cup on my desk, as she usually does on her way back from the loo. I felt a slight urge to reach for one, too, as I usually do when she does, then remembered my pact with myself: if I want a mint, I'll just go brush my teeth. Two birds, one stone, and what not. By the way, I'm also flossing every night as sort of a tacked-on challenge. Somehow it makes sense.
  • Lunch was great! I strayed a little from the meal plan and just had reheated leftovers from last night. I mixed the warm sweet potatoes and carrots with my spinach salad w/almonds and didn't need dressing. Perfect.
  • Super cravings for something junky at 3:30 today. I had some cashews instead. They were nice and sweet, but the cravings were persistent. Fortunately, I am, too. After I brushed my teeth, I felt better. No one wants to immediately ruin a fresh mouth with candy or crackers!
  • Dinner was quick and easy. I diced and cooked up some chicken breast, sauteed a huge green pepper, then threw it all together with some sugar free salsa I got from Whole Foods. It was a thinner salsa than I usually use, so I attempted to thicken it with coconut flour. I served it to Lo and Tim over jasmine rice, and I ate it over a mound of spinach. Good meal! Everyone was happy.
I'm so glad this diet thingy allows fruit! Otherwise, I wouldn't do it.
I felt very tired today, but I slept well. I avoided my pre-sleep rounds of solitaire, and I think that helped.
I downed my blueberry seltzer while watching TV. Tim ate a chocolate bar. =(
I've determined that, in order for this to work, I can't attempt to change my meals too dramatically. I simply can't cook two meals every night, one for me and one for the others. And I just don't have the energy or desire to try new recipes for 30 days in a row.

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