Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 3: OH! The Hangover.

I woke up to the alarm this morning feeling quite rested, but then I hit the snooze a few ten times and didn't feel so rested when I finally rolled out of bed. After my shower, I got a case of the woozies. Just like a hangover. I dry-heaved a few times (that happened on Monday, too), then I felt a little better. I still feel woozy. I'm glad I didn't skip breakfast because I think that would have made things much worse.
  • Breakfast changed from the meal plan. I had two eggs fried in ghee, half a green pepper, and some strawberries. I tried coffee with coconut milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg. It's not coffee. It's something else. Like faux-chai. I drank it, but I didn't love it. Maybe I will in time...
  • 11:30 AM... I keep thinking of my semi-regular breakfast of a blueberry muffin from Dunkin Donuts. Dang those are good. I'm dreaming of Day 31. I'll have a good breakfast and add half a muffin, maybe. 
  • Lunch was good. I had tuna (mixed with Whole30 compliant mayo), spinach, and carrot salad, a cup of cantaloupe, and some orange vanilla seltzer. I felt much better, although I still craved a snack. Not because I was hungry. Just because it's habit, and I was bored.
  • For dinner, we had leftover slow cooker beef. I really, really didn't want to eat it, but I needed to eat something. Skipping a meal is not compliant. I had it warmed up with a little extra beef broth and served it over spinach. Yummmmm. Next time I will definitely make more sweet potatoes to go with. For "dessert," I had bananas and strawberries with coconut milk. Yummmmmm. Thumbs up, Dinner!
I almost skipped breakfast, but instead opted to be late for work. My boss noticed and told me to send her an updated list of my sick/personal time. Doh.

I really like spinach! I used to think it made me gassy, but there is no such thing happening. I've gone through a whole bag of it already.

I was extremely tired and yucky all day. Thoughts of bread and muffins were very torturous today.


  1. Thank you for sharing this experience, Melissa! I've been thinking of you this week and wondering, so today I finally got on to see updates. I'm proud of you and feeling inspired. Perhaps I'll try in a couple of weeks!

  2. The key, it seems, is to have the right food close at hand and to have meal plan.
